5 examples of good websites

Nowadays, every company has a website and each website has its own goal(s). Not all websites are the same. In this blog article, we will provide you with 5 examples of successful websites, each of which have been successful in their own way.

1. A personal story

Your B2B website is the business card of your company. It describes the services and/or products your company provides. However, a website should not only tell your story but also resonate with the desires and needs of your target audience. The target audience should be able to identify with it. Therefore, it is important that your website builds trust. That's why Devon Stank has placed a personal video on his website introducing himself. This way, he can connect with the target audience as effectively as possible.


Curious about the performance of your website? Vet Digital provides you with 5 tips that you can use to optimise your website.

2. Let images speak

In addition to a clear description, it is beneficial to let images speak. A picture is worth a thousand words. The website of Bang & Olufsen demonstrates how you can cater to this idea. They showcase their products in a highlighted manner, taking up the entire screen. As a result, the visitor's focus is directed completely towards the products The accompanying texts are also carefully selected.


3. Let your imagination wonder

Nowadays, it goes beyond just a good story. If you manage to stimulate the imagination on your website, visitors will visualize the story themselves. This contributes to an immersive experience. National Geographic demonstrates this effectively with the series 'Genius.' The series takes you on a journey, providing background information that further connects the viewer with the series. Through storytelling, emotional engagement is achieved.

http://www.kennedyandoswald.com and http://www.nationalgeographic.nl/video/tv/genius 

4. Full-Screen Navigation

Het is belangrijk dat mensen weten waar ze zich bevinden op een website. Maar wat ook belangrijk is, is de manier waarop ze door de website heen navigeren. Voor mobiele apparaten wordt tegenwoordig standaard het hamburger menu gebruikt, zodat een gebruiker gemakkelijk door de website kan navigeren. Maar door de toename van tablets en touchscreen apparaten worden grotere menu’s ook steeds populairder. Dit wordt ook wel 'Full-Screen Navigation' genoemd. Het wordt een gebruiker zo makkelijk mogelijk gemaakt om door de website heen te navigeren.

It is important that people know where they are on a website. But equally important is the way they navigate through the website. For mobile devices, the hamburger menu has become a standard feature, allowing users to easily navigate the website. However, with the increasing popularity of tablets and touchscreen devices, larger menus also become more popular. This is also called 'Full-Screen Navigation.' It aims to make navigating through the website as easy as possible for potential users.

http://www.ariastudio.com.hk, http://tinderflint.tv

5. Experimenting with geometric shapes

Playing with shapes, lines, and planes is a current trend. In doing so, you can highlight specific information or create a bridge to the next item. The interplay between shapes creates a connection between topics. With planes, you can emphasise certain elements or further highlight information.

https://www.vanwelyoptiek.nl and https://www.boladviseurs.nl

Create a Successful Website

In this blog article, we have provided you with 5 examples of successful websites. If you would like more information about successful websites or want to have us create a website for you, please get in touch.